[DEFECT] Islam An Introduction by Tariq Ramadan
Author: Tariq Ramadan Publisher: Claritas Books (June 2017) Language: English Genre: Spiritual ISBN: 9781905837540 Pages: 64 Format: Soft cover, Paperback   The question of a human's relationship with the Divine is one that is eternal, revelatory and profoundly nuanced. It...
A Sinner in Jannah by Yahya Ibrahim
Author: Yahya IbrahimPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2023Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844266Pages: 181 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM 65.00Weight: 0.20 kgSynopsis:Every son of Adam sins, and the best of the sinners are the repentant. (Jamiʿ at-Tirmidhi 2499)In A Sinner in Jannah, readers will discover the...
RM65.00 RM55.25
Kita Semua Pandai Bicara oleh Dong Woo Rhee
Penulis: Dong Woo RheePenerbit: GagasMediaTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa IndonesiaISBN: 9789797809836Bil. Muka Surat: 243 m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM 39.00Berat: 0.20 kgSinopsis:”Saya dapat berbicara dengan baik ketika mengobrol dengan teman, tetapi kenapa mulut saya seolah terkunci ketika melakukan presentasi?”Ada banyak orang di sekitar...
Fortress of the Muslim [Leather Edition] by Sa'id Ali Wahf Al-Qahtani
Author: Sa'id Ali Wahf Al-QahtaniPublisher: Dakwah Corner BookstoreYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789675699801Pages: 207 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM20.00Weight: 0.15kgSynopsisThis is an enlarged version of the widespread and well-known pocket sized book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI   رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ. An encyclopedia...
RM20.00 RM17.00
Mothers: A Role Model for Peace by Dr. Muhammad Salah
Author: Dr. Muhammad SalahPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2023Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844259Pages: 67 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM 49.00 Weight: 0.1 kgSynopsis:This is a compelling collection of notes that explores the central role that mothers play in the Islamic tradition in nurturing and raising children...
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Untuk Hati Yang Gagal Dicintai oleh Awan Wafdan
Penulis: Awan WafdanPenerbit: WhiteCoat Group Sdn BhdTahun Terbitan: 2023Bahasa: Bahasa MalaysiaISBN: 9789672705291Bil. Muka surat: 146 m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM 30.00Berat: 0.15 kgSinopsis:Setiap kita, pernah sakit hati apabila mimpi yang diimpi, gagal dikecapi. Setiap kita, pernah mencintai sepenuh hati sehingga membunuh kebahagiaan...
Reflections: A Compilation of Reflections of Selected Ayat from Juz 1-30 of the Noble Qu’ran by Aisha Altaf
Author: Aisha Altaf Publisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2023Language: English  ISBN: 9789672844044Pages: 136 pagesFormat: Paperback  SynopsisThe Prophet said, “The Book of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, is the rope of Allah. He who follows it will be upon right guidance and he who...
RM60.00 RM51.00
My Wheel Chair: My Journey of Getting Back Up on My Feet by Wael Ibrahim
Author: Wael IbrahimPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9781922714671Pages: 149 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM65.00Weight: 0.2kgSynopsisIn April 2020, author Wael Ibrahim was struck with a sever slipped disc. Pinned to the ground for hours, then wheelchair-bound for months, he was unable to...
RM65.00 RM55.25
Our Family Our Legacy by Yasir Qadhi
Author: Yasir QadhiPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844242Pages: 92 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM45.00Weight: 0.1kgSynopsisA family is an important unit in our life. In building this institution, marriage becomes a susceptible foundation that holds the family together. This comes with rights...
RM45.00 RM38.25
Apa Itu Tasawuf? by Martin Lings
Penulis: Martin LingsPenterjemah:Khairul AnamPenerbit: IBDETahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789670037097Bil. Muka surat: 200m/sFormat: HardcoverHarga: RM55.00Berat: 0.3kgSinopsisBuku Apa itu Tasawuf?, karangan Martin Lings, sebuah pengantar ringkas tetapi sangat mendalam dan berwibawa yang ditulis menurut pengalaman pengarang sebagai seorang yang ahli. Jawaban sangat...
Kelab Hati Yang Tersakiti by Nadiatulis
Penulis: NadiatulisPenerbit: WhitecoatTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672705277Bil. Muka surat: 100m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM35.00Berat: 0.17kgSinopsisTerkadang kita sebenarnya tidak memerlukan cadangan apatah lagi yang dipanggil solusi dalam menghadapi cabaran, namun cukuplah jurnal menjadi tempat meluah rasa, pendengar setia dan penawar luka.Moga-moga “Jurnal...
[DEFECT] It’s Okay, You will be Fine by Rizal Faoji
Penulis: Rizal FaojiPenerbit: Transmedia PustakaTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa IndonesiaISBN: 9786237100881Bil. Muka surat: 229m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM45.00Berat: 0.18kgSinopsisMinta maaf pada diri sendiri karena membuatnya lelah mengejar ‘dunia’.Minta maaf pada diri sendiri karena selalu merasa cemas pada hal yang belum tentu terjadi. Minta...
Magis Akal by Sufian Talib
Penulis: Sufian TalibPenerbit: WhitecoatTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672705253Format: PaperbackHarga: RM35.00Berat: 0.28kgSinopsisSelain nafsu, dunia hari ini dicorakkan oleh manusia dengan berbekalkan akal. Dunia menjadi baik dan rosak dengan bagaimana kita menghala-tujukan anugerah akal. Inilah potensi dan magisnya akal. Ia bahkan...
Dewasa Itu Luka? by Fidias Sanad
Penulis: Fidias SanadPenerbit: GradienMediatamaTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa IndonesiaISBN: 9786022082354Bil. Muka surat: 164m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM39.00Berat: 0.12kgSinopsis“Dituntut sempurna, serba bisa, dan harus selalu kuat katanya. Padahal manusia.”Ada banyak kecewa yang akhirnya membangun harapan menuju dewasa. Dan ternyata siklusnya sama, harap-kecewa dan dirangkai...
Ada Tapi Tak Lagi Sama by A. Wildan Hilmi
Penulis:  A.Wildan HilmiPenerbit: GradienMediatamaTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa IndonesiaISBN: 9786022082361Bil. Muka surat: 164m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM39.00Berat: 0.13kgSinopsisWalaupun sudah habis-habisan dalam berjuang tapi ujung-ujungnya tidak kita dapatkan, itu gapapa, kok! Memang bukan hal yang mudah untuk diterima, tapi harus kita sadari kalau takdir...
Perempuan-Perempuan Berbudi Dalam Al-Quran by Syaari Ab Rahman & Nurul Suhadah Shuib
Penulis: Syaari Ab Rahman & Nurul Suhadah ShuibPenerbit: Iman PublicationTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672459538Bil. Muka surat: 294m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM35.00Berat: 0.4kgSinopsisKita ingin jadi yang lebih baik dan kita ingin berbudi kepada orang-orang di sekeliling kita. Tetapi, siapakah inspirasi al-Quran untuk...
RM35.00 RM29.75
Prophetic Protections: Living the Sunnah of Du'a' by Yahya Ibrahim
Author: Yahya IbrahimPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844006Pages: 143 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM60.00Weight: 0.25kgSinopsisProphetic Protections is a portion of the series of duʿaʾ, or invocations, that have been taught by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w., and collected through authentic aḥadith and Qurʾanic verses. These duʿaʾ have been specially prescribed by...
RM65.00 RM55.25
Dream Du'a Do: Millennial Muslimah’s Guide to Achieving Your Wildest Dreams by Ruzina Ahad
Author: Ruzina AhadPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844174Pages: 280 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM78Weight : 0.47kgSinopsis Dream Du’a Do is the ultimate survival guide for the Millennial Muslimah. Packed with humour, honesty and heartfelt advice, this sunny book offers strategies for Muslim...
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Al-Quran Al-Karim The Noble Quran Word-by-Word Translation A5
Publisher: Karya BestariISBN: 9789834334208Size: A5 -pembelian secara pukal atau rundingan harga pukal, sila hubungi  Kak Iman: +60 13-287 5747 PLEASE CHOOSE COLOUR BELOW. Ideal for those who want the Quran English translation word by word, colors tajweed and sign of waqaf. Al-Quran Al-Kareem is...
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Migrasi Yang Berlumpur by Jeong Young-Sun
Penulis: Jeong Young-SunTerjemahan Oleh: Shafiqah AzmanPenerbit: Patriots PublishingTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672437383Bil. Muka surat: 281 m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM28.00Berat: 0.33kgSinopsisKorea Utara merupakan satu-satunya tempat pada abad ke-21 yang tidak mempunyai kebebasan bergerak. Disebabkan itulah, ada rakyatnya yang nekad untuk melarikan...
Keep Up the Good Faith: A Muslim Woman’s on Career, Marriage and Life by Aiyen Segovia
Author: Aiyen SegoviaPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844181Pages: 185 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM45.00Weight : 0.19kgSinopsisIf you’re a Muslim woman, married, and have a job, this is for you.Sailing the boat of life, passing through the island of marriage and career...
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I Love My Grandfather And My Grandmother (Arabic/English)
Publisher: Ali GatorYear Published: 2018Language: English & ArabicISBN: 9781921772207Pages: 14 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM25.00Weight : 0.12kgSinopsisThis bilingual English & Arabic book series teaches children about Allah and the important people in their lives.This book develops- Arabic word recognition- Allah (God) consciousness-...
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Behind the Apartment: A Moment in the Sublime Ethics of Surat al-Hujurat by Ahmed Hammuda
Author: Behind the Apartment: A Moment in the Sublime Ethics of Surat al-Hujurat by Ahmed HammudaPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672420781Pages: 255 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM33.75Weight : 0.33kg SinopsisTo call Surat al-Hujurat (The Apartments) a university of ethics, manners, and realities is an...
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Prime Invocations Ad-Dua’a Al-Mustaja’ab from The Qur’aan & As Sunnah by Dr Abdullaah Ahmad Al-'Allaaf
Author: Dr Abdullaah Ahmad Al-'AllaafPublisher: Dakwah Corner BookstoreYear Published: 2019Language: EnglishISBN: 9789834462666Pages: 97 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM14.00Weight : 0.1 kgSinopsisThis is a new presentation of the most useful dua’a booklet, with a very unique selection of supplications from the Quran and...

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