Love Stories from the Quran by Yahya Ibrahim
Author: Yahya Ibrahim Publisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: June 2020 (second edition)Language: EnglishGenre: Al-quran, SpiritualISBN: 97896717248040 Pages: 124Format: PaperbackPrice: RM45.00 All of the love stories from the Quran have the connotation of birr, of protection, of qawwam, of endearment, of sacrifice, of acceptance,...
RM49.00 RM41.65
Reclaim Your Heart Personal Insights on Breaking Free from Life's Shackles by Yasmin Mogahed
Author : Yasmin MogahedPublisher: FB Publishing (UK)Year Published: 2015Language: EnglishGenre: Spiritual, MotivationISBN: 9780990387688Pages: 192Format: Paperback Reclaim Your Heart is not just a self-help book. It is a manual about the journey of the heart in and out of the ocean of...
RM95.00 RM80.75
Healing The Emptiness by Yasmin Mogahed
Author: Yasmin MogahedPublisher: Idify PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9798985291810Pages: 229 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM115.00Weight : 0.37kgSinopsisMany of us have lost our way in this life. Some people have given up hope, as they see no way out of their pain, their...
RM115.00 RM97.75
The Qur'an A Translation For The 21st Century by Adil Salahi
Author: Adil SalahiPublisher: Kube PublishingYear Published: 2019Language: EnglishGenre: Al-QuranISBN: 9780860377252Pages: 640Format: Paperback A Translation for the 21st Century Translated by: Adil Salahi The Qur’an is God’s book, and He says that it sets things in clear and easy to understand language....
RM80.00 RM68.00
Love & Happiness A Collection of Personal Reflections and Quote by Yasmin Mogahed
Author : Yasmin MogahedPublisher: Fb PublishingYear Published: 2017Language: EnglishGenre: SpiritualISBN: 9780998537306Pages: 120Format: PaperbackThings fall apart. And they break sometimes. Like many of you, my journey hasn’t always been easy. Pain is very real. And so is loss. Sometimes it’s hard not...
RM95.00 RM80.75
Muhammad The Epitome of Perfection by Dr. Kamilin Jamilin
Author: Dr. Kamilin JamilinPublisher: Karya PiSYear Published: October 2020Language: EnglishGenre: Seerah, AkhlakISBN: 9789672910015Pages: 228Format: Soft cover This book is not a book of Sirah (Prophetic biography) that will intricately explore the various events in the biography of the Prophet and his life journey. It is...
The Character Of The Muslim Woman (Vol.1) by Abd Al-Halim Abu Shuqqah
Author:Abd al-Halim Abu Shuqqah Publisher:Kube Publishing Year Published: 2021 Language: English ISBN:9781847741462 Pages: 138 pages Format: Paperback Weight: 0.23kg Synopsis: The Prophet SAW established complete equality between men and women as he said, Women are full sisters of men. Yet...
RM45.00 RM38.25
1CM Origin by Kim Eun-Ju & Kim Jae-Yeon
Author: Kim Eun-Ju Illustrator: Kim Jae-YeonTranslator: Ma. Kristina Carla Rico & Kyung-Min BaePublisher: Apop BooksYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789715088565Pages: 252 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM69.00Weight: 0.34kgSynopsisFilled with beautiful illustrations and fun interactive activities, 1cm will share unique insights about the things you already know but take for granted. “If...
1CM+ by Eun-Ju Kim & Hyun-Jung Yang
Author: Eun-Ju Kim & Hyun-Jung YangTranslator: Ma. Kristina Carla Rico & Kyung-Min BaePublisher: Apop BooksYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789715089180Pages: 288 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM69.00Weight: 0.39kgSynopsisHas life been wearing you down? Do you long for a change?  As trivial as it seems,...
The Simple Seerah: The Story of Prophet Muhammad SAW Part Two by Asim Khan & Toyris Miah
Author: Asim Khan & Toyris MiahPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9781739909512Pages: 198 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM60.00Weight: 0.23kgSinopsisThe Simple Seerah series relates the greatest story ever told: the life of the Prophet Muhammad. After struggling thought the challenges of Prophethood in...
RM60.00 RM51.00
The Miracle of The Qur'an by Dr Yasir Qadhi
Author : Dr. Yasir QadhiPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: January 2020Language: EnglishGenre: Spiritual, MotivationISBN: 9789672420026Pages: 54Format: PaperbackThe Miracle of The Qur’an. The Qur'an is the greatest miracle God (Allah) and the Qur'an is the proof of the truthfulness of Islam. It is...
RM45.00 RM38.25
Reflections by Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Author: Shaykh Dr. Yasir QadhiPublisher: Al-Buruj PressYear Published: 2020Language: EnglishGenre: SpiritualISBN: 9789672420651Pages: 165Format: Soft coverLife is a journey.Every one of us is gifted a set amount of time on this earth, and we all must make the best of it before that time...
RM80.00 RM68.00
This Is Love by Dr. Ali Albarghouthi
This Is LoveAuthor: Dr. Ali AlbarghouthiPublisher: Dakwah Corner BookstoreYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789675699733Pages: 500 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM85.00Weight :750gAll of us are looking for love. We carry enough pain, frustration, and doubt in us to crush us. And only the comforting...
Begini Rasulullah Melayan Keluarga by Dr. Ahmad Sanusi Azmi
Penulis: Dr. Ahmad Sanusi AzmiPenerbit: Karya BestariTahun Terbit: November 2020Bahasa: MelayuGenre: Kekeluargaan, KeibubapaanISBN: 9789678609678Ketebalan: 203 m/sFormat: Soft coverJangan kata kita, Rasullullah juga punya babak asam garam sendiri dalam melayani kerenah hidup berkeluarga.Ada waktu baginda sangat romantis, ada waktu baginda menjadi lelaki...
Inkling by N.F Afrina
Author: N.F AfrinaPublisher: WhiteCoatYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789671915264Pages: 197 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM35.00Weight : 0.17kgSinopsisA creative compilation of short stories and poems by yours truly;A girl sins and expects thunder to strike her.A doctor prescribes daily dose of ” I love...
Dream Du'a Do: Millennial Muslimah’s Guide to Achieving Your Wildest Dreams by Ruzina Ahad
Author: Ruzina AhadPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844174Pages: 280 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM78Weight : 0.47kgSinopsis Dream Du’a Do is the ultimate survival guide for the Millennial Muslimah. Packed with humour, honesty and heartfelt advice, this sunny book offers strategies for Muslim...
RM78.00 RM66.30
Fortress of the Muslim [Leather Edition] by Sa'id Ali Wahf Al-Qahtani
Author: Sa'id Ali Wahf Al-QahtaniPublisher: Dakwah Corner BookstoreYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789675699801Pages: 207 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM20.00Weight: 0.15kgSynopsisThis is an enlarged version of the widespread and well-known pocket sized book FORTRESS OF THE MUSLIM by SA’ID ALI WAHF AL-QAHTANI   رَحِمَهُ اللَّهُ. An encyclopedia...
RM20.00 RM17.00
Reflections: A Compilation of Reflections of Selected Ayat from Juz 1-30 of the Noble Qu’ran by Aisha Altaf
Author: Aisha Altaf Publisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2023Language: English  ISBN: 9789672844044Pages: 136 pagesFormat: Paperback  SynopsisThe Prophet said, “The Book of Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, is the rope of Allah. He who follows it will be upon right guidance and he who...
RM60.00 RM51.00
34 Seni Mencapai Kemustajaban Doa by Muhammaad Fahmi Bin Rusli
Penulis: Muhammaad Fahmi Bin RusliPenerbit: WhiteCoatTahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789672705208Bil. Muka surat: 200m/sFormat: PaperbackHarga: RM30.00Berat: 0.175kgSinopsis Allah SWT bukan sahaja menuntut kita para hamba-Nya untuk berdoa. Bahkan Dia juga turut memberikan jaminan bahawa doa-doa tersebut akan dimustajabkan. Dalam masa...
Secrets of Leadership and Influence by Sulaiman Ibn 'Awad Qaiman
Author: Sulaiman Ibn 'Awad Qaiman Publisher: Dakwah Corner Bookstore (2020) Language: English Genre: Motivational, Inspiration, Leadership ISBN: 9789675699030 Pages: 240 Format: Soft cover Here you will explore the innermost human motives, and how a leader would employ them in effecting...
Apa Itu Tasawuf? by Martin Lings
Penulis: Martin LingsPenterjemah:Khairul AnamPenerbit: IBDETahun Terbitan: 2022Bahasa: Bahasa MelayuISBN: 9789670037097Bil. Muka surat: 200m/sFormat: HardcoverHarga: RM55.00Berat: 0.3kgSinopsisBuku Apa itu Tasawuf?, karangan Martin Lings, sebuah pengantar ringkas tetapi sangat mendalam dan berwibawa yang ditulis menurut pengalaman pengarang sebagai seorang yang ahli. Jawaban sangat...
Ramadan Gems: 30 Ways to Maximize Ramadan by Yahya Ibrahim
Ramadan Gems: 30 Ways to Maximize RamadanAuthor: Yahya IbrahimPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2021Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672420996Pages: 92 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM45.00Weight :“Ramadan Gems” is a collection of remembrance of Allah through dhikr, invocations, along with remarkable Ramadan opportunities which were practiced and...
RM45.00 RM38.25
A Treatise on Loving The Prophet by Dr. Fadhl Ilahi Zahir
Author: Dr. Fadhl Ilahi ZahirPublisher: Karya PiSLanguage: EnglishGenre: Motivation, History, AkhlakISBN: 9789672910022Pages: 112 pagesFormat: Soft cover Indeed, one of the obligations that are incumbent upon a Muslim is to love the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم more than all other creations. And whoever does this,...
Ramadan Therapy by Yahya Ibrahim
Author: Yahya IbrahimPublisher: Tertib PublishingYear Published: 2022Language: EnglishISBN: 9789672844129Pages: 213 pagesFormat: PaperbackPrice: RM60.00Weight : 0.22kg SinopsisAll of us enter the month of Ramadan with pain. All of us enter it with something that is missing—there is either financial constraint or...
RM65.00 RM55.25

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